From Ironmanlive: Ironman Loses Its Warrior Poet
Diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease in May, 2005, Jonathan Blais did the unthinkable when he finished the Ford Ironman World Championship later that year.
He finished in Kona despite an arm and hand that were barely working. His “log roll” finish has become an inspiration for hundreds of Blazeman Warriors, who do the same at many races to help raise awareness, and money, about the terrible disease.
Until his arms gave out last year, Blais would spend up to 18-hours a day answering e-mails from ALS patients around the world. Even without the use of much of his body over the last few months, his spirit has fueled the “War on ALS.”
Blais passed away at approximately 8:30 PM on Sunday, May 27, 2007. Our thoughts and prayers are with his parents Mary Ann and Bob Blais and the rest of his family through this difficult time.
“He was a great son, brother, uncle and friend,” says Mary Ann. “We shall miss him more than you know. He lost this battle in hopes others may win the war.”
We’ll have more details here on as they become available.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
You Know Your a Triathelte When...
I found this in a facebook group and thought it was hilarious because even as a rookie I can see myself fitting many of these statements
When asked, how old you are you answer 20-24.
When asked how long your training was today you answer: three to four hours.
Your traning is more limited by available time then how far you can run.
Your first thought when you wake up is how high your rest HR is.
You go for a run eventhough there's a thunderstorm and you enjoy being wet and dirty.
You think it's natural to do your 'business' behind a tree in the woods.
You take part in the corporate challenge to improve your base speed.
You go for a 5 km cooldown run after a 5 km race just so that you can call it a training session.
You consider work, regeneration time between training sessions.
That something hard between your legs is usually a pull buoy
You have a water bottle when you drive your car.
You've forgotten how to drink out of cups.
You spend your 2 weeks annual vacation at a training camp.
You know inside out how much Protein each energy bar has.
You seriously consider applying for citizenship in Tonga, Jemen or Tschad so that you can participate in the olympic games.
When people praising you for being able to run 15 miles you're feeling insulted.
In the summer your legs are smoother than your girlfriend's.
In the winter your legs are still smoother than your girlfriend’s
You need a picture for a job application and you only have race pictures.
You use running T-shirts to clean your bike.
That charming "cologne" you wear to work is chlorine
You take more showers in a locker room than at home
6:30 am is sleeping in
the dog runs and hides when you get the leash!
You think there are only two seasons during the year, racing and off.
You shave way too many body parts for a guy.
You can't change the oil in your car but you can completly rebuild your bike in 45 mins
You spend more £ on training and racing clothes then work clothes
You spend 7 days going to 8 stores in 4 towns before buying a pair of running shoes but you take 1 afternoon to go to 1 car dealership and walk out with a new car 4 hours later.
when you see some lady watering her flowers and ask her if you can borrow the hose for a minute so you can fill up your water bottles.
You clean your bike more often than your car
You've been stung be a wasp or bee in your mouth but carried on running or cycling because "your split times won’t go down by themselves"
Your car smells like a locker room.
You have everything needed in your car to be Swimming, Biking or Running with 5 minutes notice.
When asked to mow the lawn in 90 degree heat, you say that its too hot to do that (and you mean it) and then an hour later you go on a century ride because its so nice out.
You tell your co-workers that you are going to "do a long brick" on saturday and just expect that they know what you are talking about.
When a co-worker asks if you are racing this weekend, you say "yeah, but I'm just running a 10k, so that is not REALLY a race".
You consider you bike saddle your "couch"
You consider Clif Bars as one of the four food groups
you are sick to your stomach at 2:00 in the morning and check the back of the Pepto Bismol bottle for caloric content and grams of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
you have plenty of water bottles, safety pins, and t-shirts.
You like going swimming the day after a race with the permenant penned number still visible on your legs and arms because the feel like a medal.
you have trouble keeping lunch under 2000 calories.
you usually wake up at 4:00 in the morning but do not get to work until way after 9:00.
you have a £4000 bike strapped on top of your £2000 car.
you have no trouble pushing a day's caloric intake to over 8000 calories.
you're always wet! Either sweat water, pool water, sea water, shower water, bath water or its p*****g down outside!
Instead of Marie Clare, People and Cosmo, you have piles of Runner's World in your bathroom.
your car has at least one Power Bar wrapper and two sets of work out clothes!
your kids idea of playing is a bike and run race followed by power bars, water bottles and awards ceremony.
your laundry continually smells like someone locked the cat in overnight...
you leave your apartment or house in the morning with your swim bag on one arm, bike on one shoulder, a change of clothes in another bag, and your running stuff in another bag in case you can get away at lunch for a workout.
you wave at other cyclists, because all triathletes are friendly and if they are not, they are probably purist cyclists trying to get into triathlons and they do not know that triathletes are friendly.
You have not one, not two, but three permanent chain ring scars on your right calf.
You are walking along a street and you signal left.
you can't decide what tee shirt to where to your next race.
you have far more pairs of shoes in your closet than your non-tri wife does in hers
the one "suit" you own has orca written on the chest.
You wear your heart rate monitor during sex....
...and you keep within the right HR zone
you hear T2 and don't think of the film....
when "foreplay" is 15 minutes on a turbo trainer
your living room has the "swim pile" and the "bike pile" and the "run pile" and the "weight room pile" and you pick and choose kind of like a cafeteria on your way out the door.
your kitchen cupboards are organized into "protein", "carbs" and "etc"
you bring bottled water to a party so that you're properly hydrated for the next morning's long run, everyone else at the party also brought their own bottled water because you don't have a social life outside of triathlon. Oh yeah, and they all showed up by 7pm and left by 10pm.
your company announces mandatory unpaid shutdown days - every other Friday thoughout the summer - in order to cut costs and stay in business, and your response is "Great - now I can do two long workouts on the weekends and still have an easy day."
......but you dont!
your 8 year old comes home with the school record for the mile and says, he took it out in a nice pace he could hold.....everyone else died.
you fill your kids' water bottles with Cytomax instead of blue gatorade.
you can ask your mom and your sister and all other girlfriends for shaving advice.
no wait, they ask you for advice!
you say that you went to a race last weekend...and somebody responds "running or biking" and you are again forced to explain....
your co-workers catch you with a 'King Sized' meal deal from Burger King, and you can smile and tell them that you will have no problem working this off on the way home.
you wear your bathing suit under your work clothes to make a fast transition from work to swim on your lunch hour.
you show up at the neighborhood pool on your bike in a speedo and embarrass your teenage daughters.
Your idea of fast food is a power bar and SIS Go
somebody hands you a cup of water and you have to restrain yourself from pouring it on your head.
You catch yourself about to blow a snot rocket while walking around the office.
you forget that talking about daily LSD [Long Slow Distance] and speed weirds some people out.
you have no FRIGGIN idea what to do with yourself on your off day.
You feel like you took the day off because all you did was swim 3000 meters then go for a short run.
At any given moment you know exactly where your heart rate monitor and your swim googles are, but cannot remember where you left you car keys. (turns out 90% of the time they are in your bike bag)
Ice baths!
When non-racer friends tell you they ran/rode you automatically calculate their pace to see if you're still in better shape.
Cars pass you on the road when you're driving and you either drop back to get out of draft zone or speed up to attack!
You have no trouble converting mph into kmph
You've stopped buying high-heels because your feet are too swollen from long runs to fit in them anyways.
While your less athletically-inclined girlfriends are gorging themselves on plates of lettuce, you're occupying yourself with a plate of pasta and chicken (white meat, of course.)
Having a period has become less of a nuisance since menstrual cramps don't feel that bad when you're hunched over a bike.
You've stopped wearing dangly earrings because they just get in the way when you're ripping off your clothes to squeeze "just one more" workout into your already cramped schedule.
Your girlfriends are insanely jealous of your tan legs. Until they realize that the tan stops at your bike shorts.
You've given up trying to go on training runs/rides with your boyfriends because they don't take it too well when you kick their butt.
Your best girl friend gets a new bike and tells you that it's a really pretty shade of blue. You get a new bike and can tell her the chain ring ratios.
When checking out guys on the street/at the mall your friends notice eyes, hair, build. You notice if they have shaved legs, if they have runners/bikers legs, and if they're wearing a race t-shirt.
When asked, how old you are you answer 20-24.
When asked how long your training was today you answer: three to four hours.
Your traning is more limited by available time then how far you can run.
Your first thought when you wake up is how high your rest HR is.
You go for a run eventhough there's a thunderstorm and you enjoy being wet and dirty.
You think it's natural to do your 'business' behind a tree in the woods.
You take part in the corporate challenge to improve your base speed.
You go for a 5 km cooldown run after a 5 km race just so that you can call it a training session.
You consider work, regeneration time between training sessions.
That something hard between your legs is usually a pull buoy
You have a water bottle when you drive your car.
You've forgotten how to drink out of cups.
You spend your 2 weeks annual vacation at a training camp.
You know inside out how much Protein each energy bar has.
You seriously consider applying for citizenship in Tonga, Jemen or Tschad so that you can participate in the olympic games.
When people praising you for being able to run 15 miles you're feeling insulted.
In the summer your legs are smoother than your girlfriend's.
In the winter your legs are still smoother than your girlfriend’s
You need a picture for a job application and you only have race pictures.
You use running T-shirts to clean your bike.
That charming "cologne" you wear to work is chlorine
You take more showers in a locker room than at home
6:30 am is sleeping in
the dog runs and hides when you get the leash!
You think there are only two seasons during the year, racing and off.
You shave way too many body parts for a guy.
You can't change the oil in your car but you can completly rebuild your bike in 45 mins
You spend more £ on training and racing clothes then work clothes
You spend 7 days going to 8 stores in 4 towns before buying a pair of running shoes but you take 1 afternoon to go to 1 car dealership and walk out with a new car 4 hours later.
when you see some lady watering her flowers and ask her if you can borrow the hose for a minute so you can fill up your water bottles.
You clean your bike more often than your car
You've been stung be a wasp or bee in your mouth but carried on running or cycling because "your split times won’t go down by themselves"
Your car smells like a locker room.
You have everything needed in your car to be Swimming, Biking or Running with 5 minutes notice.
When asked to mow the lawn in 90 degree heat, you say that its too hot to do that (and you mean it) and then an hour later you go on a century ride because its so nice out.
You tell your co-workers that you are going to "do a long brick" on saturday and just expect that they know what you are talking about.
When a co-worker asks if you are racing this weekend, you say "yeah, but I'm just running a 10k, so that is not REALLY a race".
You consider you bike saddle your "couch"
You consider Clif Bars as one of the four food groups
you are sick to your stomach at 2:00 in the morning and check the back of the Pepto Bismol bottle for caloric content and grams of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
you have plenty of water bottles, safety pins, and t-shirts.
You like going swimming the day after a race with the permenant penned number still visible on your legs and arms because the feel like a medal.
you have trouble keeping lunch under 2000 calories.
you usually wake up at 4:00 in the morning but do not get to work until way after 9:00.
you have a £4000 bike strapped on top of your £2000 car.
you have no trouble pushing a day's caloric intake to over 8000 calories.
you're always wet! Either sweat water, pool water, sea water, shower water, bath water or its p*****g down outside!
Instead of Marie Clare, People and Cosmo, you have piles of Runner's World in your bathroom.
your car has at least one Power Bar wrapper and two sets of work out clothes!
your kids idea of playing is a bike and run race followed by power bars, water bottles and awards ceremony.
your laundry continually smells like someone locked the cat in overnight...
you leave your apartment or house in the morning with your swim bag on one arm, bike on one shoulder, a change of clothes in another bag, and your running stuff in another bag in case you can get away at lunch for a workout.
you wave at other cyclists, because all triathletes are friendly and if they are not, they are probably purist cyclists trying to get into triathlons and they do not know that triathletes are friendly.
You have not one, not two, but three permanent chain ring scars on your right calf.
You are walking along a street and you signal left.
you can't decide what tee shirt to where to your next race.
you have far more pairs of shoes in your closet than your non-tri wife does in hers
the one "suit" you own has orca written on the chest.
You wear your heart rate monitor during sex....
...and you keep within the right HR zone
you hear T2 and don't think of the film....
when "foreplay" is 15 minutes on a turbo trainer
your living room has the "swim pile" and the "bike pile" and the "run pile" and the "weight room pile" and you pick and choose kind of like a cafeteria on your way out the door.
your kitchen cupboards are organized into "protein", "carbs" and "etc"
you bring bottled water to a party so that you're properly hydrated for the next morning's long run, everyone else at the party also brought their own bottled water because you don't have a social life outside of triathlon. Oh yeah, and they all showed up by 7pm and left by 10pm.
your company announces mandatory unpaid shutdown days - every other Friday thoughout the summer - in order to cut costs and stay in business, and your response is "Great - now I can do two long workouts on the weekends and still have an easy day."
......but you dont!
your 8 year old comes home with the school record for the mile and says, he took it out in a nice pace he could hold.....everyone else died.
you fill your kids' water bottles with Cytomax instead of blue gatorade.
you can ask your mom and your sister and all other girlfriends for shaving advice.
no wait, they ask you for advice!
you say that you went to a race last weekend...and somebody responds "running or biking" and you are again forced to explain....
your co-workers catch you with a 'King Sized' meal deal from Burger King, and you can smile and tell them that you will have no problem working this off on the way home.
you wear your bathing suit under your work clothes to make a fast transition from work to swim on your lunch hour.
you show up at the neighborhood pool on your bike in a speedo and embarrass your teenage daughters.
Your idea of fast food is a power bar and SIS Go
somebody hands you a cup of water and you have to restrain yourself from pouring it on your head.
You catch yourself about to blow a snot rocket while walking around the office.
you forget that talking about daily LSD [Long Slow Distance] and speed weirds some people out.
you have no FRIGGIN idea what to do with yourself on your off day.
You feel like you took the day off because all you did was swim 3000 meters then go for a short run.
At any given moment you know exactly where your heart rate monitor and your swim googles are, but cannot remember where you left you car keys. (turns out 90% of the time they are in your bike bag)
Ice baths!
When non-racer friends tell you they ran/rode you automatically calculate their pace to see if you're still in better shape.
Cars pass you on the road when you're driving and you either drop back to get out of draft zone or speed up to attack!
You have no trouble converting mph into kmph
You've stopped buying high-heels because your feet are too swollen from long runs to fit in them anyways.
While your less athletically-inclined girlfriends are gorging themselves on plates of lettuce, you're occupying yourself with a plate of pasta and chicken (white meat, of course.)
Having a period has become less of a nuisance since menstrual cramps don't feel that bad when you're hunched over a bike.
You've stopped wearing dangly earrings because they just get in the way when you're ripping off your clothes to squeeze "just one more" workout into your already cramped schedule.
Your girlfriends are insanely jealous of your tan legs. Until they realize that the tan stops at your bike shorts.
You've given up trying to go on training runs/rides with your boyfriends because they don't take it too well when you kick their butt.
Your best girl friend gets a new bike and tells you that it's a really pretty shade of blue. You get a new bike and can tell her the chain ring ratios.
When checking out guys on the street/at the mall your friends notice eyes, hair, build. You notice if they have shaved legs, if they have runners/bikers legs, and if they're wearing a race t-shirt.
The Difference a Day Makes
All I have to say is wow. This past weekend was a shit training weekend or so it felt so last night before bed I resolved to just put it behind me sleep till I wake up naturally today and hit the ground running. That is exactly what I did. I went out for my run this morning because the pool is closed so swimming can't happen today and I felt great, everything was clicking, other than a little knee pain I felt probably the best I have in a long time running out there today even though I did sweat off 7 lbs! somehow I didn't become dehydrated like yesterday, I think I was more mentally prepared to attack my workout today and that helped a lot. Time to go grocery shopping. Later kids.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Rough Weekend
This weekend is rough on me in two respects my training has not gone as planned and I really want to be at home on the Cape with the rest of my family and friends. It has become a tradition in the past couple years and missing it really sucks. The only good part about my training this weekend was my swim, I felt extremely good and efficient and my time showed it. Other than that my bike was at a really slow pace and I could not figure out why my body did just not want to get up to speed and go, it just plan refused to. My run today was not planned well and I tried to go 11 miles in the hot midday sun got dehydrated and had to turn back only doing about 6.5. Hopefully this will all get put behind me and this weeks training will be back to normal. That would be really nice considering five weeks from tonight we will know if I have what it takes to finish a half-ironman. The past 5 months of training have flown by and there are obvious changes in how I look and preform but I just cannot believe that it has been 5 months. It is all or nothing now, just have to find my rhythm and hit it in stride.
It is a possibility that I have found my marathon for this winter, the Disney Marathon in Florida. I was talking to Katie the other day and she is possibly interested in joining me for it which would be great to have someone training for the same event close by so that the long training runs do not have to be solo like they have been for this race. I also have tentatively signed up for the MS-150 charity ride the weekend after my race. Could be a mistake depending on how I feel but I think I should be able to live.
Okay for now I am going to go stretch and take something for me knee its kinda bugging me right now.
It is a possibility that I have found my marathon for this winter, the Disney Marathon in Florida. I was talking to Katie the other day and she is possibly interested in joining me for it which would be great to have someone training for the same event close by so that the long training runs do not have to be solo like they have been for this race. I also have tentatively signed up for the MS-150 charity ride the weekend after my race. Could be a mistake depending on how I feel but I think I should be able to live.
Okay for now I am going to go stretch and take something for me knee its kinda bugging me right now.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Still Sore
My legs are finally sore from this weekends workouts. I tried to go out for a ride today because I didn't want to just sit around but it just was not meant to be. On the first climb I could already feel the aches left over from Saturday in my hamstrings and my computer for some reason was not working, I should have turned around and packed it in there. But I didnt. I headed down to Ault Park where apparently today they decided to reseal the pavement which meant getting splashed with tar from the road the entire time I was there. I just cruised back toward home after only a half hour and pray tomorrows ride will be better. I can't decide where I am going to go, Loveland, another park my boss mentioned, or leave right from the office. We shall see.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
So now that I get up at 5 every morning I am trying to get to bed earlier to get as much sleep as possible. That is why this update will be quick. Today was nice and relaxing, after waking up I took my time to stretch and try to plan out the run I was going to take. I also finally decided to get my GPS for my watch working to keep a more consistent pace and distance. Today's run was 90 minutes of hills up and down it was a blast I love feeling the burn in my quads and knowing that I am working for every step that I take. I thought I would have about a 10 minute pace but it turns out I was feeling good enough to push it down to a 9:30 pace which means 9.5 miles in 90 minutes and I am happy with that. Training is ramping up again this week as we inch closer and closer to race day. Anyone have any advice for this rookie I could use some?
BTW congratulations to all of my friends who graduated from Notre Dame, it is going to be weird without you there next year.
BTW congratulations to all of my friends who graduated from Notre Dame, it is going to be weird without you there next year.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
So this week has been pretty crazy, moving in on Sunday starting work on Wednesday and needing to adjust my life to fit my training in. This will cover all of these topics in some fashion. I have already posted about the apartment, I still enjoy it, I have met some of the people that live around me by just being out on the porch and through orientation at work. Schools represented, Clarkson, Michigan, Michigan State, University of Dayton, and of course Notre Dame.
Starting work was very surreal, I still am having issues with wrapping my head around the fact that I am actually working for GE. On Wednesday we had our orientation all morning and then were dispersed to go meet with our mangers and get a feel or where we would be for the rest of the summer. The group of people in my orientation were wicked cool, and of course our orientation leader and my coop buddy, Nicole was great. After dealing with getting our badges so that we could get through security, going and having a drug test, and ensuring all of our paperwork was filled out we went out to lunch at Friday's. Nicole decided to make it a point to be the mom of everyone and tell us all to behave and we should not in anyway shape or form be the intern that breaks up relationships, then she continued to say that if we do have the need for summer loving make sure that you wrap it. I do love bluntness. So after lunch I went off to go meet my manager, it turns out I have 2 managers and then a person I report to daily, it is kind of confusing but I am going to try and figure out the ranking sometime next week hopefully. I am working in the Fuel and Oil Lab, which may sound kind of dull but it is wicked BA, I am being brought in on a bunch of different projects and really able to get my hands dirty. I have to remember a bunch of chemistry but that is not too bad because it leads to fun reactions like dissolving a silver ball bearing cage that costs a couple thousand dollars in Nitric Acid to try and figure out what is embedded in the silver coating that should not be there. I really do not know how much I am allowed to talk about with what I do, so I should figure that out too before I go and say much more. The guy I report to everyday is great, he wants to get me involved in as much as possible and make sure that I get introduced to the highest people I can be, he has been there for 20+ years so he knows almost everyone.
The plant has a fitness facility with a pool which is super because I had not really swam since I began finals week, but somehow my splits have actually dropped a little still need more endurance though. The gym is nice but it feels like a gym at an old peoples home, there are soo many white hairs trying to work out, which is great for them to still be active but it makes me feel really out of place. Luckily I have met some people that are going to workout there so I will have some people to lift and talk with while I am here. I am getting up at 5 everyday to drive over to workout in the AM before I have to be in at 730 but the nice thing about that is I get out at like 4 so there is plenty of daylight for long post work workouts.
Ironically, I guess you could call it I was sitting on my little balcony watching the sun come up this morning catching up on the blogs that I read before heading out for my workout today which I will describe in a bit, and I read this entry by IronWil. It got me thinking, in reality even though my race is only weeks away now I have really only begun my journey. When I was like 14 when I went to watch the Boston Marathon be run I said that I really want to run in that someday, people thought I was a little crazy, this pudgy little marshmallow of a kid, become an endurance athlete, sure. Back then i didn't do anything to prove them wrong I figured they were right and well I might as well not even try. About two years ago I watched the Kona Ironman on TV and said someday I am going to go race there, again people looked at me like I was crazy like there was no way I would ever be able to get there. Last summer I had knee surgery and said I am going to turn my life around and get to where I have always wanted to be, a true athlete someone people who used to know me will go wow you did that! In 11 and a half months since my surgery I have really come a long way, I have, but there is soo much more I want to do. I have changed who I am but I also realize that with this sport where most of the competitors are called crazy and weigh 60 lbs less than me, I am going to continue to change I am going to continue to be my own catalyst and I am going to do all of this not to rub it in the faces of the kids who called me fat, or the people who never believed I could do something like this (although that will be a plus), but I am going to do it for myself to show myself that I have what it takes to change from what I was, a marshmallow of a kid, to what I will become a powerful iron catalyst. Training has really changed my life in more ways than I would have ever thought possible, I am more confident in everything that I do from how I carry myself when I am walking to answering a question in work or class, I have this surety that I haven't had before. I am by far more healthy and less stressed, while everyone was stressing over finals, I thought that I should be too but I realized that in the end it will turn out okay I just need to do everything I can to prep for it just like my training. Those are just two things but I am sure anyone who has known me for a long time probably sees some of the other things I do. I love what I am doing and cannot see how I never found this love before.
So, I said I was going to talk about today's training. I had 3 hours of riding and an hour of swimming on the schedule for today but I knew that I was not going to be able to get over to the pool so I have been making up for that with extra time over the week. I am going to have to move any of my weekend swims to the week sometime to make sure I get them in because I won't on weekends. So in three hours I decided I wanted to go for 60 miles my goal pace of 20 mph, even if it took more than 3 thats fine I wanted the distance though to see something similar to my race. I went riding on this bike trail that is on old railroad tracks that runs for like 80 miles up into Ohio, it was the recommended place by the local bike shop. I reached 30 miles out where my turnaround would be and said ya know what its nice out lets go for an extra 20 you have time and lets see what we can do. Probably not the smartest idea I have ever had considering I planned for 60 so I brought food and water for 60. I kept a great pace for the 56 miles that is my race distance and thats when it began to hurt and things went wrong. I was going at about a 17.75 mph pace right up till then and right after I passed 60 miles I knew that was the distance I should have done, huge cramp in my left hamstring because I had to change my hydration strategy to keep going that entire distance. So after getting off and stretching for a bit I drank most of the Gatorade that I had left and continued on. I could tell I was becoming dehydrated and hungry because I could not concentrate on anything for the life or me, but I did come up with the idea of possibly tubing down the little Miami river sometime this summer with the interns. With 17 miles to go I get another massive cramp this time in both hamstrings. So again I am off my bike stretching this time I have nothing to drink left so I am SOL. I get loose enough to get back on and just decide to cruise the last 17 miles into the parking lot but go figure the last 10 miles were all up hill, not a big grade but just up the entire time. Needless to say I am kind of hurting right now and have not even looked at what my workout for tomorrow is because I do not want to know right now.
Well that is all for now, hopefully I find something to do tonight. Later everyone.
Starting work was very surreal, I still am having issues with wrapping my head around the fact that I am actually working for GE. On Wednesday we had our orientation all morning and then were dispersed to go meet with our mangers and get a feel or where we would be for the rest of the summer. The group of people in my orientation were wicked cool, and of course our orientation leader and my coop buddy, Nicole was great. After dealing with getting our badges so that we could get through security, going and having a drug test, and ensuring all of our paperwork was filled out we went out to lunch at Friday's. Nicole decided to make it a point to be the mom of everyone and tell us all to behave and we should not in anyway shape or form be the intern that breaks up relationships, then she continued to say that if we do have the need for summer loving make sure that you wrap it. I do love bluntness. So after lunch I went off to go meet my manager, it turns out I have 2 managers and then a person I report to daily, it is kind of confusing but I am going to try and figure out the ranking sometime next week hopefully. I am working in the Fuel and Oil Lab, which may sound kind of dull but it is wicked BA, I am being brought in on a bunch of different projects and really able to get my hands dirty. I have to remember a bunch of chemistry but that is not too bad because it leads to fun reactions like dissolving a silver ball bearing cage that costs a couple thousand dollars in Nitric Acid to try and figure out what is embedded in the silver coating that should not be there. I really do not know how much I am allowed to talk about with what I do, so I should figure that out too before I go and say much more. The guy I report to everyday is great, he wants to get me involved in as much as possible and make sure that I get introduced to the highest people I can be, he has been there for 20+ years so he knows almost everyone.
The plant has a fitness facility with a pool which is super because I had not really swam since I began finals week, but somehow my splits have actually dropped a little still need more endurance though. The gym is nice but it feels like a gym at an old peoples home, there are soo many white hairs trying to work out, which is great for them to still be active but it makes me feel really out of place. Luckily I have met some people that are going to workout there so I will have some people to lift and talk with while I am here. I am getting up at 5 everyday to drive over to workout in the AM before I have to be in at 730 but the nice thing about that is I get out at like 4 so there is plenty of daylight for long post work workouts.
Ironically, I guess you could call it I was sitting on my little balcony watching the sun come up this morning catching up on the blogs that I read before heading out for my workout today which I will describe in a bit, and I read this entry by IronWil. It got me thinking, in reality even though my race is only weeks away now I have really only begun my journey. When I was like 14 when I went to watch the Boston Marathon be run I said that I really want to run in that someday, people thought I was a little crazy, this pudgy little marshmallow of a kid, become an endurance athlete, sure. Back then i didn't do anything to prove them wrong I figured they were right and well I might as well not even try. About two years ago I watched the Kona Ironman on TV and said someday I am going to go race there, again people looked at me like I was crazy like there was no way I would ever be able to get there. Last summer I had knee surgery and said I am going to turn my life around and get to where I have always wanted to be, a true athlete someone people who used to know me will go wow you did that! In 11 and a half months since my surgery I have really come a long way, I have, but there is soo much more I want to do. I have changed who I am but I also realize that with this sport where most of the competitors are called crazy and weigh 60 lbs less than me, I am going to continue to change I am going to continue to be my own catalyst and I am going to do all of this not to rub it in the faces of the kids who called me fat, or the people who never believed I could do something like this (although that will be a plus), but I am going to do it for myself to show myself that I have what it takes to change from what I was, a marshmallow of a kid, to what I will become a powerful iron catalyst. Training has really changed my life in more ways than I would have ever thought possible, I am more confident in everything that I do from how I carry myself when I am walking to answering a question in work or class, I have this surety that I haven't had before. I am by far more healthy and less stressed, while everyone was stressing over finals, I thought that I should be too but I realized that in the end it will turn out okay I just need to do everything I can to prep for it just like my training. Those are just two things but I am sure anyone who has known me for a long time probably sees some of the other things I do. I love what I am doing and cannot see how I never found this love before.
So, I said I was going to talk about today's training. I had 3 hours of riding and an hour of swimming on the schedule for today but I knew that I was not going to be able to get over to the pool so I have been making up for that with extra time over the week. I am going to have to move any of my weekend swims to the week sometime to make sure I get them in because I won't on weekends. So in three hours I decided I wanted to go for 60 miles my goal pace of 20 mph, even if it took more than 3 thats fine I wanted the distance though to see something similar to my race. I went riding on this bike trail that is on old railroad tracks that runs for like 80 miles up into Ohio, it was the recommended place by the local bike shop. I reached 30 miles out where my turnaround would be and said ya know what its nice out lets go for an extra 20 you have time and lets see what we can do. Probably not the smartest idea I have ever had considering I planned for 60 so I brought food and water for 60. I kept a great pace for the 56 miles that is my race distance and thats when it began to hurt and things went wrong. I was going at about a 17.75 mph pace right up till then and right after I passed 60 miles I knew that was the distance I should have done, huge cramp in my left hamstring because I had to change my hydration strategy to keep going that entire distance. So after getting off and stretching for a bit I drank most of the Gatorade that I had left and continued on. I could tell I was becoming dehydrated and hungry because I could not concentrate on anything for the life or me, but I did come up with the idea of possibly tubing down the little Miami river sometime this summer with the interns. With 17 miles to go I get another massive cramp this time in both hamstrings. So again I am off my bike stretching this time I have nothing to drink left so I am SOL. I get loose enough to get back on and just decide to cruise the last 17 miles into the parking lot but go figure the last 10 miles were all up hill, not a big grade but just up the entire time. Needless to say I am kind of hurting right now and have not even looked at what my workout for tomorrow is because I do not want to know right now.
Well that is all for now, hopefully I find something to do tonight. Later everyone.
Monday, May 14, 2007
New Apartment and HILLS!
Well I am pretty much all moved into my new apartment here in Cincinnati, it is going to be really weird getting used to a new area and finding my way around. The one extremely exciting thing is the HILLS, they are everywhere. I am used to running and cycling on pretty flat terrain, as I drove into the city I was in shock at being back in an area where there are hills and not just horizon to horizon flatness. After moving in I was pretty tired but could not wait to go out and run the hills and see if I was able to live. It was a blast other than taking a wrong turn and ending up running in a neighborhood where I probably should not have been, it made me pick up the pace though. My favorite part of the run is when I took a left hand turn and look up to see what is ahead of me and I cannot even see the top of the hill. I was smiling and laughing the whole way up that the people I passed must have thought I was tweaked out. I am thinking about going out for a ride in a little bit because spinning this morning on my trainer, even though it was out on my porch just did not satisfy my craving to actually be training hard again after a very light week last week. Well I am going to go figure out what is going on for the net couple days fill out the paper work I need to do in order to start work with GE Wednesday and hopefully go attack some more hills.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I am Senior now?
After posting last night instead of studying intently and getting ready for my exam this morning, I started to think about the fact that after this test I will be a Senior in college. Not just in college at the University of Notre Dame! It has been my dream since I was about 8 to go here and well I didn't get in the first try, I was able to transfer in to start my sophomore year and it has been a dream come true. The back of our transfer orientation shirts really sums it up, it is a quote from the movie Rudy "I have been ready for this my whole life." This has been the most indescribable experience I have ever had in my life and it truly has put me on track for becoming the person I want to be. With one year left under the golden lady, unless I decide for grad school to delay the real world, I am going to have to truly make the best of it. So while it is kinda depressing that I only have one year left, the rest of the feelings that I have about my senior year are like what I think I will have when I am warming up for my race in under two months, nervous, scared, excited, and confident that I will leave everything on the course and hope that it gives me back even more in experience, wisdom, knowledge and accomplishment.
Okay enough about my other thoughts, now it is time to talk about training. The past two mornings I have been wicked congested so I have not even bothered to go after the pool, like I had planned, instead I hopped on the elliptical and just stayed loose. I am planning on waking up tomorrow morning and running for about 45 minutes to an hour just to get back into it and probably if the beach does not happen go ride for an hour or two, depends on how many hills I am looking to do. I really should not be complaining about hill after reading the blogs of people like Kahuna, IronWil, CurlySu, RuralGirl and Everyman, who competed at Wildflower this weekend and by all accounts the course designers decided it would be fun to see how many people they could make walk a bike up a hill. From reading their entries though it has made me want to go to Wildflower, no matter how intense those hills are the community that goes with that race seems to be something that must be experienced and enjoyed.
Okay enough about my other thoughts, now it is time to talk about training. The past two mornings I have been wicked congested so I have not even bothered to go after the pool, like I had planned, instead I hopped on the elliptical and just stayed loose. I am planning on waking up tomorrow morning and running for about 45 minutes to an hour just to get back into it and probably if the beach does not happen go ride for an hour or two, depends on how many hills I am looking to do. I really should not be complaining about hill after reading the blogs of people like Kahuna, IronWil, CurlySu, RuralGirl and Everyman, who competed at Wildflower this weekend and by all accounts the course designers decided it would be fun to see how many people they could make walk a bike up a hill. From reading their entries though it has made me want to go to Wildflower, no matter how intense those hills are the community that goes with that race seems to be something that must be experienced and enjoyed.
Tonight I am looking into getting a coach and also at figuring out what are the other races that I am going to compete in this season, possibly an additional Half in the fall, still to be determined, a Full Ironman is on the most likely list for next year, I figure I am going to treat this sport like I have every other one in my life, Go Big, or Go Home. I know is may sound cliché but it makes me push myself to find new boundaries of what my body can do and then find ways to exceed them, and that is a beautiful thing. Hope everyone has had a good week.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Finals Week
Even with only two tests this week my training has gone to hell. Trying to balance out closing up shop around here for the next three months, getting my car ready to make the trip, and studying for finals has left very little time to actually get my workouts in. Luckily, my workouts this week were scheduled to be fairly light anyways so I will make up what I can after my last test tomorrow between packing and a relaxing day at the beach on Friday. There is a chance that the beach is close enough for me to ride to which would kill two birds with one stone and is a possibility. Moving to Cincinnati this weekend will make the next weeks workouts rough to, having to find new routes and safe areas to go is not going to be easy, I hope i am able to find some running, and tri-clubs to tag along with to get a feel for the area.
I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone by and how quickly my first race is coming up. Not training this week really has me feeling the pressure of letting down my friends and family who are going to come to watch. I know this is not a good mind set but it is really hard for me to avoid right now. Okay time to hit the books again, hopefully sometime soon I will be updating with a successful workout.
I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone by and how quickly my first race is coming up. Not training this week really has me feeling the pressure of letting down my friends and family who are going to come to watch. I know this is not a good mind set but it is really hard for me to avoid right now. Okay time to hit the books again, hopefully sometime soon I will be updating with a successful workout.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Light Day
It was nice to have a light day after a pretty heavy week. Swam a mile in just under 40, still working on getting that time down. I was able to swim with the Masters program here which was pretty cool got a couple of good pointers and words of encouragement. I ran 3.5 miles this morning in under 30 minutes which I am extremely happy with, I seem to be improving everywhere right now and cannot complain about that. I should probably have spent more time studying and packing today but whatever no tests till wednesday and not moving out till saturday. Getting up early tomorrow and not working out will be weird, I have to bring my car in to get it all ready for this summer and the long drives that go with that.
Hope everyone had a good weekend,
Hope everyone had a good weekend,
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Quick Comment
I hate crowded pools! Tried to go for a light 40 minute swim today to relax and just do something and had to get out of the pool after 20 because people were just being idiots and trying to cram 4 people into a small lane. I know in the race its going to be crowded but I am not going to be trying to relax. Anywho, I probably should pack or study some more tonight, haven't decided which yet.
First Brick, First Entry
This is my first entry to a blog that will hopefully be updated on a fairly regular basis. This is my rookie season and I am currently only scheduled for one race and am trying to find another few and possibly a marathon. My first race is the Patriot Half-Ironman in Freetown, MA on July 1st and I cannot wait. I have been training for this race since the 1st week in January. Having knee surgery last summer where the majority of the meniscus in my right knee was removed due to a severe snowboard crash the winter before. Rehab and training has really pushed me to the next level and now I can't imagine life without training, my friends call me pshycotic because of the schedule I keep in college waking up at 6 am or earlier to workout is just beyond the thought of most people.
With the race only a few weeks away today was my first brick. I was extremely nervous going into it not sure if I was going to be able to actually complete it but I did with a pretty solid pace for myself too. 90 minutes of riding, followed by 30 minutes of running. I feel surprisingly loose and not tired for having finished only a few hours ago.
This coming week is finals week for this semester so I am hoping that I will be able to stay on top of my training. I also move to Cincinnati next weekend so that means finding new routes and hopefully new people to train with. Anyone who happens to read this that is in that area let me know. Also anyone who has advice for a rookie especially for transitions and making sure I don't get DQed in my first race. Any help would be great. Thanks.
With the race only a few weeks away today was my first brick. I was extremely nervous going into it not sure if I was going to be able to actually complete it but I did with a pretty solid pace for myself too. 90 minutes of riding, followed by 30 minutes of running. I feel surprisingly loose and not tired for having finished only a few hours ago.
This coming week is finals week for this semester so I am hoping that I will be able to stay on top of my training. I also move to Cincinnati next weekend so that means finding new routes and hopefully new people to train with. Anyone who happens to read this that is in that area let me know. Also anyone who has advice for a rookie especially for transitions and making sure I don't get DQed in my first race. Any help would be great. Thanks.
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