Monday, May 14, 2007

New Apartment and HILLS!

Well I am pretty much all moved into my new apartment here in Cincinnati, it is going to be really weird getting used to a new area and finding my way around. The one extremely exciting thing is the HILLS, they are everywhere. I am used to running and cycling on pretty flat terrain, as I drove into the city I was in shock at being back in an area where there are hills and not just horizon to horizon flatness. After moving in I was pretty tired but could not wait to go out and run the hills and see if I was able to live. It was a blast other than taking a wrong turn and ending up running in a neighborhood where I probably should not have been, it made me pick up the pace though. My favorite part of the run is when I took a left hand turn and look up to see what is ahead of me and I cannot even see the top of the hill. I was smiling and laughing the whole way up that the people I passed must have thought I was tweaked out. I am thinking about going out for a ride in a little bit because spinning this morning on my trainer, even though it was out on my porch just did not satisfy my craving to actually be training hard again after a very light week last week. Well I am going to go figure out what is going on for the net couple days fill out the paper work I need to do in order to start work with GE Wednesday and hopefully go attack some more hills.


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