So I have been slacking on getting more entries up and on here. The race went really well even though the timing seems to be extremely messed up, according to the official race results everyone had close to 12 minute T1's I find that highly unlikely considering I know mine was just over 2 minutes because I fell on wet grass.
The Swim:
First time ever swimming in open water was right before the race began as a quick warm up. First time swimming with a swim cap was then as well. Both new sensations were not as crazy as I thought but I would have killed to have a wet suit. This was a training race so i knew all I wanted to do was get out of the water and move on to the next part of the race. I was number 75 and they did a time trial start so I started 75th out of however many people competed about 200 I would say. As I am in my second lap around this 0.75km course I look back to see where I am in respect to everyone and realize holy crap I am only third to last. Ooops I think I went a little too easy and I wish I had a wet suit. Other than getting kicked in the head and inhaling this nasty lake water which as you can see from the pictures following died my nice new tri top from white to brown. The swim went really well i did not have to stop and my sighting was solid never very far off. As I am coming out of the water there are bleachers placed in the water to climb out on because there was no beach to this lake. And go me I miss a step and slam my right quad right into the bleacher, I felt that for the remainder of the day.
How depressing is it that when you are finally getting into T1 the first bikers are returning for their T2, granted they were the sprint racers not the international but come on thats just like damn. Everything went smoothly changing quickly into my bike gear, I should have dried my feet off though because the wet sock sensation meant cold feet for the first couple miles. I get suited up and go to run to the mount line turn out of my row of bike stands and boom down I go flat on my face up faster than I knew what happened though. The only advantage to being in the very back of the pack transition was pretty empty and easy to navigate.
HOLY SHIT! I rode the course the day before and knew it was nice and hilly but god I did not think that it would be soo bad. During my training ride I hit about 50 mph going down one of the hills, that was probably the most fun I had. During the race I could not get my computer to work so that was just pissing me off. Something is wrong with my magnet in front or something. But I was again training so I walked up one of the huge hills at the half way point just to not blow up and die. It took me a little bit longer than I wanted to because I couldn't pace that well without a computer. But I hydrated well and used some succeed caps to replace my Na and K. I avoided cramps and felt pretty good other than my quad.
Wow that was quick. Before I knew it I was out and running, almost with my helmet on but I remembered to take it off before I left. the only issue that I had was because of how far back i was bikes were everywhere so I had some trouble getting my bike into place.
It was soo nice to have some friends there to cheer me on when I was heading out of the run. I was able to convince JinJoo and Lindsay to come out and spend the morning watching a triathlon and cheer me on so I didn't die. I took water at all 4 of the water stations to make sure I was solid and took Gatorade at one and another succeed cap. The turn around point did not seem like it wanted to come but when it finally did I was soo happy. There were some other runners on the course still and they were very encouraging telling me I was almost there and to keep going. It was really nice. Some of the athletes who had already finished were actually back out on the course and were cheering people on it was a really nice thing. I finished the run strong and feeling pretty good.
Over all I am feeling great today. The only issue that I had this week was Monday and coughing up phlegm and stuff because of inhaling that water. So my morning swim was cut short but the afternoon run felt good and at a quick pace. My swim this morning was super strong I was averaging under a minute for every 50m for a full 1500m.
So there is my race report the fans were not that may but the other athletes were very cool and encouraging. The fat rabbit racing group who put on the race was a little disorganized but the race shirts were technical brooks shirts and really nice. If you have any questions let me know and I can try to answer them for you about the race.
1 comment:
Keep up the hard work. Don't give up. If you need some inspiration go to youtube and type in "ironman you will do this". I am also a college student training for an Ironman though I am a bit behind you. I started out with the goal of an endurance biker and then decided to give running a shot. I'm slowly working running into my normal biking routine. Good Luck!
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