Monday, January 21, 2008
Training Program Woes
I am trying to figure out my newest training program and not sure what I really want to use. The one last year worked well, I was able to finish and that was fantastic but I am not sure if I want to use it again this year or pay for a bit more intensive program to really improve my times. I have the time to work pretty much unlimited during almost any day due to only taking 12 credits, and not caring too much about classes, not that I am not gonna pass them just I do not need to work uber hard in them. That and I have about 2 months completely free before my race... I really am thinking about shelling out some cash and really drilling this one out of the park. See how much time I can shed off my time from last year. I will keep you posted.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Have Mercy
So yeah 4 hours on an indoor trainer is hell as is let me tell you this little story...
So the cycling team decided to have a nice trainer party today becuase we are also having a rave tonight in which we will all be getting slightly, no, completely bombed. We were planning on the four hour tid bit but I did not know about the dvd that would be featured as the center portion of this adventure. We began just spinning and watching Ren and Stimpy for a little over an hour and a half and then it was decided to put in the dvd "Have Mercy" a spinervals specialty. it is ranked a 10 out of 10 on the intensity scale. Add that to the fact that I have only spun for about 2 hours max lately and the fact that this ridiculousness is about 2 hours long... I knew it was gonna be fun. So included you get to see the HR, cadence and speed (which is completely inaccurate becuase its not calibrated).

But anywho a few hours later I am continuing this entry and am fairly intoxicated. The ride was good and i am not sure how I will feel about it tomorrow but we shall find out and that is a post for another time. Adios muchachos.
So the cycling team decided to have a nice trainer party today becuase we are also having a rave tonight in which we will all be getting slightly, no, completely bombed. We were planning on the four hour tid bit but I did not know about the dvd that would be featured as the center portion of this adventure. We began just spinning and watching Ren and Stimpy for a little over an hour and a half and then it was decided to put in the dvd "Have Mercy" a spinervals specialty. it is ranked a 10 out of 10 on the intensity scale. Add that to the fact that I have only spun for about 2 hours max lately and the fact that this ridiculousness is about 2 hours long... I knew it was gonna be fun. So included you get to see the HR, cadence and speed (which is completely inaccurate becuase its not calibrated).

But anywho a few hours later I am continuing this entry and am fairly intoxicated. The ride was good and i am not sure how I will feel about it tomorrow but we shall find out and that is a post for another time. Adios muchachos.
Friday, January 18, 2008
So yeah
I am sorry to anyone who actually tries to read this on a daily basis, not sure if anyone actually does, but first week of class nuttiness has caused me to get a little lax in the blogging area. My workouts have been kicking ass. Been running in the morning and spinning in the evenings. Not running this morning becuase those muscles need a break and the fact that I was out at Club Feve until 3 last night does not help in the whole get up and go run attitude. But is was a good time, had a couple drinks, danced a little (well if you can call what I was doing dancing), played some shuffle board, and caught up with a crowd i rarely see anymore, my friends who go out and party and drink. So all in all a good time. planning on getting a solid spin in this afternoon and relaxing tonight. WE have a cycling team party on saturday which I will be attending and drinking a fair amount so trying to plan a long cycling team spin for earlier that day. prepping my video to try to join team EvoTri I will post it here when I finish it up . Adios everyone
Friday, January 11, 2008
Qiuck Post
I am in the middle of packing my car for my last trip out to South Bend to my final semester at Notre Dame. This is so surreal I don't even know what to say. I did not have a chance to workout today but have been busy so its an active day off. Prob wont get a workout in tomorrow but possible if we make good time getting out there. Anyways back to packing I go...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
So yeah about this posting everyday
So as you can tell posting everyday has begun. I assume that once I get myself back to school I will have a much more set schedule and will be able to hit this blog up everyday even better than now. As for how training is going so far this week, it is going well. I am already seeing fat loss according to the scale, weight loss not yet but that has to do with me upping my water intake again so that I am staying more hydrated and am able to have better workouts. I am trying to decide what plan I am going to use for my training or my half ironman, right now it is kind of haphazard just get some volume in to begin as I build up my wealth of knowledge on plans again. Any suggestions are always welcomed.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
New Year horrible off season
So my off season fell apart and well I know I can make all sorts of different excuses but none of them are even going to begin to justify it to myself. I know i screwed up, I did not make the time or the effort to keep myself at the fitness level I was at. I am now officially registered for the Patriot Triathlon on July 5th of this year, it is a half-iron distance tri, out of Freetown, MA. I raced it last year and am looking to really improve my time. I know the spring holds a lot of interesting opportunities for me: I am now on the cycling team at school so that means I will have the opportunity to race about 8 weekends this spring if I want to. I also am looking for a marathon to run in the April to May time frame, there is a half marathon run on campus in the spring along with countless 5Ks which I am sure I will run a fair amount of. And lastly the biggest opportunity, I graduate this spring and move on to an actual career. I already have a job so i do not need to worry about that which is wicked nice, and I also know that I have about 2 months off before my half ironman in which I am going to have nothing else to do except train (very giddy about that). I am planning on being much better with this blog, updating on a daily basis even if it is just something as simple as today's workouts are gonna suck or something like that. For now I am off to the gym shortly to build my stamina back up which I do not think will take to long, the hardest part is going to be burning off the weight I added, about 10 lbs. So for now I will catch you later, maybe even running outside it is gorgeous out again today.
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