So the cycling team decided to have a nice trainer party today becuase we are also having a rave tonight in which we will all be getting slightly, no, completely bombed. We were planning on the four hour tid bit but I did not know about the dvd that would be featured as the center portion of this adventure. We began just spinning and watching Ren and Stimpy for a little over an hour and a half and then it was decided to put in the dvd "Have Mercy" a spinervals specialty. it is ranked a 10 out of 10 on the intensity scale. Add that to the fact that I have only spun for about 2 hours max lately and the fact that this ridiculousness is about 2 hours long... I knew it was gonna be fun. So included you get to see the HR, cadence and speed (which is completely inaccurate becuase its not calibrated).

But anywho a few hours later I am continuing this entry and am fairly intoxicated. The ride was good and i am not sure how I will feel about it tomorrow but we shall find out and that is a post for another time. Adios muchachos.
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