Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So first run back after being sick and out for a few months. Weight is much higher than it was but I guess my brains didnt get that message and slow down. My pace was much faster than it should have been and caused some serious leg pain. I fought with myself to push through it which wasnt easy but I made it. I need to dress a bit warmer for these runs but that will be easy. The Stick has been my savior. I have been using it every 45 min or so to help my quads and hammies recover for tonight. Hopefully I am able to slow it down a little and be in a little less pain after.

On another note. I have decided to try My Fit Foods (www.myfitfoods.com) and am loving the food and portion control. This could be a real big help in the end if this ends up working out for me. They will also give free meetings with a nutrionist which I will probably take up just to maximize my training a bit more.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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