Friday, January 18, 2008

So yeah

I am sorry to anyone who actually tries to read this on a daily basis, not sure if anyone actually does, but first week of class nuttiness has caused me to get a little lax in the blogging area. My workouts have been kicking ass. Been running in the morning and spinning in the evenings. Not running this morning becuase those muscles need a break and the fact that I was out at Club Feve until 3 last night does not help in the whole get up and go run attitude. But is was a good time, had a couple drinks, danced a little (well if you can call what I was doing dancing), played some shuffle board, and caught up with a crowd i rarely see anymore, my friends who go out and party and drink. So all in all a good time. planning on getting a solid spin in this afternoon and relaxing tonight. WE have a cycling team party on saturday which I will be attending and drinking a fair amount so trying to plan a long cycling team spin for earlier that day. prepping my video to try to join team EvoTri I will post it here when I finish it up . Adios everyone

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